About Business Services
The Business Services Department is focused on providing excellent financial stewardship on behalf of the residents of Evanston as well as providing service to our students and staff members. Business Services oversees the financial and business operations of 911ÖÆÆ·³§ District 202, including financial planning, budgeting, purchasing, fiscal accounting, fees, financial reporting, grants and federal funds, insurance, payroll, food services, and accounts payable and receivable. Our Accounts Payable & Purchasing Department is responsible for our relationship with vendors that provide goods and services to the district.
Evanston Township High School District 202 will continue to implement cost containment initiatives and innovative ideas with the least impact to student programs. The district strives for continuous financial improvement, accountability, and recognition.
Business Services Divisions
Financial Services
Accounts Payable
Capital Improvements
Nutrition Services
Student Accounts
For questions regarding Business Services, please contact our office by phone (847) 424-7100.
Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting - For the 14h year, the Association of School Business Officials International awarded 911ÖÆÆ·³§ its Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting award for its FY 21 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (annual audit), an award earned by fewer than 10% of Illinois school districts. This is the highest recognition for school district financial operations given by the Association of School Business Officials International.
Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting - The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) awarded 911ÖÆÆ·³§ their Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for 14 consecutive years for having met or exceeded the program’s high standards for financial reporting and accountability. Fewer than 5% of Illinois schools earn this award.
Aaa Bond Rating - 911ÖÆÆ·³§ has maintained its Moody’s Aaa bond rating since 2008. This highest possible rating allows the District to borrow at the lowest possible rates.
Chief Financial OfficerKendra WilliamsDirector of Business ServicesRudy MeoBusiness Office SecretaryCarolina QuinterosOffice Location: H108Phone: (847) 424-7100
Office Hours
Regular Summer Monday-Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm 8:00am - 4:30pm Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm Closed